We’re here for what you need. No membership required.
Want a Space to Study?
Hillel is open Mon-Thurs 9:15-4:30 and Fri from 10:30-Shabbat. We keep the building stocked with lots of snacks and coffee!
Want to speak Hebrew with an Israeli? Learn about Israeli culture?
Our Israel Fellow, Michelle, would love to speak with you!
Homeland, our Israeli Culture club, puts on events throughout the year!
Israel Learning Fellowships! Join a 6 week cohort that meets on Wednesdays from 5:15-6:45 and get free dinner and money for completing the course!
Our new initiative, Cafe Ivrit. Come speak with fellow Hebrew learners and Fluent speakers!
Want to learn about Torah? Jewish Culture?
Jewish Learning Fellowship! Join a 10 week cohort that meets on Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 5:15-6:45 and get free dinner and money for completing the course!
Keep your eyes peeled for new programming where you can learn with our Executive Director, Elie!
Connect with the SMJCC, the Sephardi and Mizrahi Jewish Culture Club!
Want to come to Shabbat?
Nice. Every week, schmoozing (and maybe a pre-shabbat activity!) starts at 5:00, services at 5:30, and dinner at 6:15ish. You are always welcome to just come to dinner or just come to services if you’d prefer. We just ask that you RSVP on our events calendar.
Don’t want to be around 50 people but still want shabbat dinner? Our pleasure. To pick up a meat meal to go for shabbat dinner, text our Shabbat Dinner Hotline (307) 363-1984.
Want us to help host a shabbat dinner at your dorm, Greek house, or apartment? We give out gift cards and also send staff and students to host! Email Kelsey at ad@uahillel.org.
Want free food?
Find us Tabling!
Friday Shabbat Dinners
Soup Hotline
Snacks at Hillel
Help Design a Food Event!
Get Coffee with one of our staff members
Looking for Jewish Community?
Come meet people at events!
Greek? Greek Jewish Society.
Davening team and Wildcat Jewish leaders
Bro-Mitzvah Mens Group and Rosh Chodesh Womens Group
Year Round Service Projects
We’d love to host a program for you!